Last week, I had the pleasure of attending the annual meeting of the Scholarly of Society Publishing. It was my first time back in Boston, since organizing a study tour there almost 15 years ago. Being back there was wonderful, especially to meet so many colleagues in the industry and attend my very first SSP Conference!

The theme of this years gathering was ‘Inflection point’, and it is clear that the industry is facing a tumultuous time with the advances in AI. A number of sessions covered the breadth of impact of Artificial Intelligence on the workflows of Scholarly publishing. Perhaps, one session argued, we would feel more comfortable with all the developments if we would simply see them as automation. Another session was emphasizing the role of another AI: Actual Intelligence. 

The critical importance of trust in scholarly work was emphasized through the various initiatives and conversations surrounding integrity. It is a sign that the industry is taking the challenges created by generative AI and artificial content seriously, and is taking collective action to safeguard the reputation of academia. 

We believe Global Campus has a role to play, too. By using academic articles as a starting point to find reviewers, candidates or experts, we rely on solid academic content. We put our search results in a social context through our network visualization, ensuring that bad actors are kept out of the system. Lastly: through collaborations with existing players like Kriyadocs and their downstream partners, we can help to prevent that these actors enter the scholarly record at all.

Time at SSP was short, so if you did not get the chance to catch up with us and would like to see more about what Global Campus can contribute, please reach out to our CTO directly through!